Taking out a loan is an important step toward fulfilling your plans, such as financing major dental work. To ensure that you are protected even in situations that you did not foresee, our CREDIT-now financing model includes comprehensive collateral.
The CREDIT-now loan offers you comprehensive collateral
Many things in life can be planned, but there is always the chance of unforeseeable situations cropping up at any time. So that you don't have to wonder how you will manage the repayment of your loan, we have integrated free collateral into the product. You can count on these included services once you have taken out your CREDIT-now loan:
- Flex service: you can request a credit increase or a term adjustment at any time. If the renewed creditworthiness check is successful, your existing credit agreement will be replaced by a new one.
- Instalment break: you can defer the monthly instalment twice free of charge.
- Redemption service: We arrange the redemption of your outstanding loans and expensive credit card obligations from other providers and combine them into a single loan.
- Right of withdrawal: even after the statutory withdrawal period has expired, you can repay the money free of charge within 10 days of disbursement.
- Credit Potential Service: We show you, thinking along with you, how much additional money you can draw from us. If you wish, we will check for an increase and replace your existing credit agreement with a new one if the credit potential check is successful.
- Financial check: We make sure that you can afford your monthly instalment. Our certified team of experts will be happy to advise you personally and free of charge in one of our 16 branches or by telephone. You can also use the Quick Finance Check on our website at any time.
We will also stand by you if you find yourself unable to work
In the event of involuntary unemployment, borrowers soon wonder who will cover the installment payments for them. To protect you against this risk, we offer you the option of taking out comprehensive insurance benefits that will also protect you in the event of unforeseeable, involuntary unemployment as well as incapacity to work.
Insurance benefits in the event of unemployment:
- Cover is provided for the monthly installments due as follows: for a maximum of 12 installments per unemployment event and a maximum of CHF 2,000 per installment. This guaranteed installment cover is available to you for a maximum of 24 installments over the entire term of the contract.
- The duration of the insurance is indefinite with a notice period of three months to the end of the month
Insurance benefits in the event of incapacity to work:
- The monthly installments are covered up to a maximum of CHF 2,000 per installment. This guaranteed installment cover is available to you for a maximum of 24 installments over the entire term of the contract.
- In the event that you should find yourself unable to work and you have taken out the optional insurance, the residual debt will be covered up to a maximum amount of CHF 100,000.
- The duration of the insurance is indefinite with a notice period of three months to the end of the month.
To take advantage of these benefits under the group insurance policy from BANK-now Ltd. with Nationale Suisse as the insurer, there are just a few conditions you need to meet.
- Minimum age of 20 years old at conclusion of contract and maximum age of 65 years old at contract expiration.
- No knowledge of an existing illness or an accident.
- No absence from work of more than 20 days due to illness/accident and no hospital stay of more than 10 days in the past 12 months.
- No knowledge of imminent dismissal.
- Must have been employed for at least six months on a permanent employment contract with at least 25 hours per week.
- Main place of residence is Switzerland.
Our credit finance specialists will be happy to help you by offering professional and straightforward advice. Taking out a loan is an important step toward fulfilling your plans, such as financing major dental work.We have integrated free collateral into our popular CREDIT-now financing model so that you can benefit from credit protection and are protected even in unforeseen situations.